
love that never was

in secret

i love & mourn you

not out of shame

but out of fear

fear that loving you

admits my own problems

& despair

it is not fair that

this is my burden —

the barren essence

my love for you is different —

you are more a stranger

i pushed you away

from moment one

knowing that it

would hurt more

to love you & mourn you

than to not love you at all

rationally, i should not mourn

or love you —

but i am run by emotion

emotion tells me

that i am missing you

you are a piece that i need

in my life to be fully me

who am i without you —

or the others?

who i am on my own?

rationally, i am still me

but i am run by emotion

no, i am fueled by emotion

it it not a hinderance

but a gift to feel so deeply

so, who do i fearfully love & mourn

for the love that was not given?

Poetry, Short Stories

Bereaved Mothers’ Day

Today is international Bereaved Mothers’ Day.

This celebration and remembrance day is to help heal the hearts of other hurting mothers. The same mothers who won’t be surrounded by the love of a child on Mothers’ Day. The same mothers who feel as though the advertising community is mocking them with their endless Mothers’ Day advertisements. The same mothers who are mentally preparing for the overload of beautiful family photos to come next Sunday.

Today is not about guilt or sadness. It is about acknowledgement. 1 in 5 women miscarry. 24,000 babies are stillborn in the US each year. 72,000 babies are loss to complications in pregnancy in the US each year. Let those women share their stories and be acknowledged.

Today, I am honoring my babies by telling their story.

Olivia & Oliver Gonzalez

“How very softly
you tiptoed into my world.
Almost silently,
only a moment you stayed.
But what an imprint
your footprints have left
upon my heart.”
-Dorothy Ferguson

This year, I became a mother. This year, I felt an unimaginable love for another human being – two human beings, actually. I imagined a life for them. I imagined a life for the four of us. I felt whole and as if my entire life existed for these tiny humans.

This year, I grieved. This year, I felt an unimaginable pain and loss.

My mom always says “I loved you first” and that there was no love that compared to that of a mother and her child. I knew she loved me, but I couldn’t fathom how deeply and what her words truly meant until this year.

There truly is no love that compares. It is unconditional and everlasting. A love so deep that knows no bounds; not only existing in life, but also in death.

For my dearest, Olivia and Oliver, you will always be my babies and I thank you for giving me the chance to be your mother. We never got to really know each other, but you both are the most important part of who I am today. You’ll always be my first loves, my OG’s.



Acknowledgement is Victory

Time. Why does it hurt? How can one day change everything? How long is too long? Time. When does it matter? Who decides? I do. Days. Weeks. Months. I decide when is enough. I choose. Not you. You support. January. February. September. They are heavy. They always will be. Celebration should come. Could come. But it won’t. It can’t. Feels wrong. Words feel meaningless and mean. Full of anger. Sadness. Excitement replaced. Saturday – you evoke a plethora of emotions. But why? Its just a day. Time. Why so heavy? Time is relative. Irrelevant. Relative to feelings? Or to pain? How does it stop? Only time will tell.